Hannah Adamaszek


“I think a lot of urban art can be visually sharp – I’m not sure if this is due to the male prevalence or part of its makeup but my work definitely brings in a softer female touch with emotion being brought into a sometimes a more aggressive world.”

Hannah Adamaszek injects new talent and energy in to the street art scene with her female portraits; which bring a painterly style often found in contemporary art to the street art scene. Earthy tones and harmonious contours have earned Adamaszek’s works a place on many an outside space, from the unique Brandalism project to StreetFest and UpFest. And her unique canvases offer a calm feminine approach and emotionally-charged contribution to an art scene predominantly saturated by many a male artist.

Hannah’s portraits capture the sense of being, if only for a moment, where the beauty and timelessness of the world come into sharp focus. The women she paints are subtle yet strong, bold yet delicate; balancing these contradictions provide the individuality to each of her pieces.
Hannah has been mentioned in publication such as The Independent, Free People and Daily Mail. She has travelled to exhibit in Spain, Belgium and Australia.
In 2013 she had her first Solo Show at Curious Duke Gallery in London and in 2014 her second at Fousion Gallery in Barcelona.
Artist Feature in
Interview with
Bohemian Brighton
Artist Feature on
Curious Fiend
Hannah is also accpeting commissions. If you are interested in Hannah's works please get in touch at: Kati@follyandmuse.com
For all available works by Hannah on Folly & Muse please click here.