Join us

Fellow art-lover,

I want to introduce you to Folly & Muse because it’s my intention to make it an important channel to market for you, and one of the most important curated art buying platforms on the Web.

Of particular interest to us while we establish our name in the market, is your work which we want to help shape our brand’s approach to buying high quality art and design directly from the artist.

In the meantime, I’ve also included an overview of our concept for you to look at.

I very much hope we are able to work with you and bring your work to a new or broader audience.


The Folly & Muse concept:

A beautiful, carefully curated online emporium that connects up-and-coming artists and designers to global buyers and collectors. Folly & Muse will offer a sublime user experience and become a cherished and trusted platform for both the creators and collectors of contemporary work.


To become a Folly & Muse Artist, Designer or Supplier drop us an email with samples of your work or a link to your portfolio, collection or website at:

We are always excited to hear from you and discover new talent!